Wednesday, November 20, 2013

In the Kingdom of the Father's Abounding,Infinite and Perfect Love!

Hello Precious One!

Many people who have had near death experiences or people who have died, but returned back into their physical bodies report this overwhelming sense of Love as they entered into the kingdom of heaven!   Some people have described their experience as being in this all consuming loving embrace of the Father!  They  felt one with this Love!  The Kingdom of Heaven is the fullness of the Father’s Love and there is no darkness or anything contrary to His Love whatsoever!

 When Jesus died, He bore all sin and darkness upon Himself!  When we became new creations, we became glorified, perfected and made one with Jesus in the perfect Love of the Father!  We have already been raised into this kingdom of the perfect Love of the Father!  Jesus “is in the bosom of the Father”, John 1:18, and we are In Christ, therefore we too, are in the bosom of the Father!  We are in the Father’s heart in His perfect Kingdom of Love!!!

 In the Father’s Kingdom, we are Loved, honored, celebrated…. In complete totality and oneness!!!!    The more we get to know the Father, the more we get to know perfect Love because God is Love above all things!!!!!   As we abide in the Father’s Love, the more we become the essence of the Father’s heart of Love as well!!!! 

 In the Father’s Love, condemnation does not exist!  In the Kingdom of heaven, forgiveness, mercy and compassion are 100%!  In the Kingdom of heaven, the positive expression of Love only exists, because in heaven we are and have been perfected, glorified and are on with Jesus!  Jesus cannot sin and we have become as He is and made completely one with Him in the Spirit realm of heaven!

 The more that we abide in the Father’s perfect, infinite and abounding Love, the more we are being transformed into His likeness with ever-increasing glory!  Jesus, in teaching the disciples how to pray said, “Your Will be done earth as it is in heaven.”    The Father’s Will for all of our lives is that we would all experience His abounding Love, in full measure, as it is in heaven! 

  “This is how God showed His Love among us: He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him.” 1 John 4:9.     The Father’s Love keeps no record of wrongs and is completely forgiving!   It takes the Life of the Holy Spirit flowing through us with power to Love with Jesus’ Love, which is the Love of the Father!   “The Father has (and is pouring) poured His Love into our heart through the Holy Spirit whom He has given to us.” Romans 5:5.   

      Holy Spirit releases the substance of the Father’s Love into our heart and as we put our Faith in this, and we Love with the actual “stuff” or substance of the Father’s Love!   The Father’s Love is infinitely bigger than our rational minds!   Unconditional, Agape Love of the Father makes no sense to the human mind!  

“He is the atoning (propitiation) sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.” 1 John 2:2.    Jesus “is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.”   Jesus bore all of sin, but also all of our sicknesses and diseases, and all the punishment that was due to us as a result of sin! 

 “Surely He took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows… He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us Peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we have been healed… and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” Isaiah 53: 4-6.      The Father’s Love bears other people sins and His Love never skips a beat!!!   “Love bears all things” and the sins of others who hurt us and do evil to us! 

 This is the Love of the Father that flows into us like Rivers of Living Water!  So, to Love with the Father’s Love, we receive and abide in His Love!   The more we set our affections on the Father’s Love, the greater His Love will transform us into the likeness of Christ!   We have entered into the Kingdom of the Father’s perfect Love!   We are In Christ and therefore in the bosom of the Father’s heart of infinite and perfect Agape Love!!!!   Can you sense it?            SHALOM!

Jerry Brown     11-20-2013


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Present Reality: Perfected In Heaven, In Process On the Earth!

Good Morning Precious One!

“For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He Loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” Colossians 1:13-14. 

We have been brought into the kingdom of heaven where we have already been perfected, glorified, made one with Jesus and made “as He is”!  The kingdom of heaven, which we now live in, by the Spirit, is the realm of abounding and infinite Grace, Love, Joy, Peace, Health, Prosperity… of the Father!  In this Spiritual kingdom, which is just as real as this earthly realm, only unseen to the natural eye, we exist and live there now inside of Jesus and one with Him!

This kingdom of heaven, this Spiritual kingdom, is accessed by Faith from the heart, in the Holy Ghost!   Faith is not a mere intellectual decision to follow Jesus.  Faith is in the heart.  This is why things seem so untouchable or unattainable at times.   Ever prayed for something and it didn’t happen?  Of course you have, we all have.  Our hearts are extremely big, and mostly hidden!  “As the heavens are high and the earth is deep, so the hearts of kings are unsearchable.” Proverbs 25:3.

    Our hearts are like ice bergs, most of it is unseen.  Every experience and emotion and attitude we have ever had is recorded in our hearts and determines how we react to life.   Our earliest experiences in life played a very large part in shaping and determining the essence of our heart.   The mental health experts say that the core attitudes of our heart are shaped in our first five to seven years.   These deep, unseen attitudes are in a very deep place that the Proverb calls unsearchable, that is how deep and big our hearts are!

  The good news is that at salvation, Jesus took out our old heart that was severely wounded and gave us a new heart, His heart, just like He gave us His Spirit!  But just because we have been given this new heart of Jesus, does not mean we are always living from His heart of perfect Love, perfect Peace, perfect Joy, perfect health, prefect prosperity……   Is your life or my life the absolute, true and complete picture of heaven?  Of course not, no human being is!  We are a mixture of heaven and earth, though our Spirit has been perfected and glorified in Christ Jesus!  

   Some think that because they have an intellectual grasp of these Truths that our walk on earth has been perfected.  NO!!!!!!!!!!!!    We are perfected in the Spirit, but we are a mixture of Spirit and flesh on the earth.           We are “in process” in our walking out of the Truth of our perfection in Christ by Faith.        “We are BEING TRANSFORMED into His likeness with EVER-INCREASING  glory.” 2 Corinthians 3:18.       

        Some people are blinded to the fact that we have been perfected in total and complete actuality in the Spirit, that we are presently seated and living in Christ in heaven today, and some are blinded to the fact that we are in a process of manifesting the fullness of Christ on the earth.             Jesus lives 100% out of His perfect heart and we are all in the process of learning to appropriate and manifest the fullness of His heart within us!

  How can we be perfected in Christ in total Truth and still be in the process of transformation at the same time?  Because we live in two realms, two kingdoms, at the same time.   Before salvation, our hearts and spirits were in the kingdom of darkness, but now, even while living on the earth, we have brought into the kingdom of Jesus, the kingdom of heaven!  So while our hearts and spirits have been perfected, we are in the process of learning how to walk out the new Truth of who we are as new creations in Christ Jesus, while on the earth, in a realm filled much darkness!

 The earth is not the perfection of heaven, but heaven is definitely present here!  The more we embrace the Truth of us being presently glorified In Christ, the His Glory covers and impacts the earth!  The more we embrace the Truth of who we have become in the Spirit, as Jesus is, the more we manifest His perfection on the earth!      “YOUR WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN.”        

Jerry Brown         11-13-2013

Monday, November 11, 2013

It Is A New Day In A New Realm In the Father's Love!

Hello Precious One!

We now live in a supernatural realm of the kingdom of God that is far superior in power, strength, Love and Joy!!!  So much of Christianity has bought into the lie that we are under the power sickness, disease, addiction, bad relationships, poverty….   None of these things in even exist the minutest of forms in the kingdom of heaven.   We need the eyes of our heart opened to the Truth of who we are and what this heavenly Spiritual realm is like if we are going to walk in victory as “more than a conqueror”!

  As a new creation in Christ Jesus, we have become “more than conqueror.”  We live in a realm where “Nothing is impossible” and where “all things are possible with God.”  We have become more than just struggling human beings who are trying to do the best we can!  We have been completely transformed from the inside out and we have been recreated into supernatural being who is as Jesus is!!!!!

 We are learning to appropriate these mind-blowing Truths that make our brains explode if we were to really understand the depth, power and magnitude of these Truths in the depths of our heart!!!  People think that because they have an intellectual grasp of these Truths that they are walking in the fullness of the Gospel.    Most Bibles are written so that fourth or fifth graders can understand the written words.  But it takes trust with our heart in the Holy Spirit to walk and appropriate these amazing, gargantuan Truths!!! 

 We must humble ourselves like a little child, with simple child-like faith, to manifest and appropriate the power of the Word of God!  Seminaries are filled with people and students who have very deep understanding of sentence structure and word origins, but yet there is very little supernatural power of the Father’s Love evident in them!  The more intellectual an institution becomes, the more the flesh is catered to, the less Holy Spirit there is, and less supernatural power and Love is evident!   “Knowledge puffs up, but Love builds up.” 1 Corinthians 8:1.  

                              It is a new day where the Father is far more interested in developing the hearts of His people!  This new day of the Church is learning to Love with the actual substance of the Father’s heart!  Love from the heart becomes the highest goal rather than the ability to dissect the Greek and Hebrew sentence structure and the filling the mind with endless information!  The heart is becoming the emphasis in the Father’s move on His people! 

“Out of the heart flows all the issues of life.”   “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”   Abiding in the outpouring of the Father’s Love transforms and perfects our hearts in His Love.   The Father’s perfect Love casts out fear, anxiety, condemnation, weakness, lack…..  “For it is with the heart your that you believe and are justified…” Romans 10:10. 

   We all know people who are like intellectual genius’s, but they are severely out of touch with their heart.   In this new day of the outpouring of the literal, tangible substance of the Father’s Love, not the mere theology of His Love, with our hearts are being filled to overflowing with His Love!!!!!  This is the new move of the Spirit that is coming in unprecedented ways to those who are done who hungry for His Love in the depths of our hearts!

   It is a New Day of tasting, experiencing at the heart level, the all-consuming and all-powerful Love of the Father!!!!!!   It is becoming a New Day where we don’t just talk about the Father’s Love, but we are being transformed by the heart of the Father into His very own heart in a very tangible and manifest way!!!!!  We are becoming the expression and the manifest reality of the Father’s heart of Love on the earth!   It is a New Day of new and deeper tangible revelation of His substance of His Love!!!  The Holy Spirit is pouring out this revelation into the depths of His hungry people who want to be consumed with the Father’s Love!!!!!! 

  “By this all men will know you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:35.   It is a new day where the church actually is known for blessing their enemies, loving those who persecute them………    Holy Ghost is pouring out this substance of the Father’s Love in unprecedented ways!!!!  How much of His Love do you and I want?  Do we want to be consumed and utterly possessed by His Love?  This is the Father’s desire for every one of us!!!!!!!!         


Jerry Brown        11-11-2013 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

No Longer Under the Kingdom of Darkness, Sickness, Disease, Lack....

Hello Precious One!

“For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He Loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” Colossians 1:13-14. 

  We used to live in the kingdom and in the dominion of darkness before we received salvation in Christ Jesus.  When we received the gift of salvation, we were brought into a new kingdom with a very new and different dominion!   We were brought into the kingdom of God, the heavenly kingdom in which there is no darkness at all!  We were in the realm of the dominion of darkness in which sin, sickness, weakness, malice, resentment, addiction, poverty…. ruled and reigned. 

 But we were taken out of this kingdom and the Father has brought into the kingdom of His Love, grace, glory, perfection, wholeness, peace, joy, kindness, forgiveness, mercy, compassion, supernatural and miraculous power, perfect health and infinite wealth…  This is the heavenly kingdom in which we have been redeemed into!  This is the realm we now live by the Spirit!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Jesus didn’t die so you and I would make a decision to try to be a better person, more moral than before.   NO, a million times NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  He died to completely take us out the dominion, rule, and of darkness, and transferred into a new kingdom of His Love and Grace and supernatural power, a realm of infinite goodness and Joy!   Before He brought into His own kingdom, Jesus had to make us into new beings.  He took out from within us, the sinful nature.   Sin was our nature, the essence of our being.   Why do you think there is so much evil in the world, it is because people are filled with the nature of sin, darkness, evil….. 

  Jesus took out this nature and gave us His new nature by putting into us His Spirit!   He also took out our old wounded heart that was filled with darkness, and gave to us a new heart!  He completely remade from the inside out!!!!!!  This new creation has been completely cleansed and 100% perfected of all sin and all of its effects in the Spirit realm! 

 “I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your impurities and from all your idols.  I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.  And I will put my Spirit in you…” Ezekiel 36:25-27.  

“Surely He took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered Him striken by God, smitten by Him and afflicted.  But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed… and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.”  Isaiah 53:4-6.

Jesus took away everything we had inherited from the kingdom of darkness.  EVERYTHING!!!!!!   And made us new creations, glorified and perfected us, and made one with Him and made us as He is!!!!!!!   After He completely cleansed us, He made us new creations by filling us with His glory and perfection, with His heart and Spirit!!!!!!!  As new creations, in the Spirit, this is what we have become!  Then, the Father raised us into the heavenly realm with Christ and seated us with Him!  He takes into His kingdom and plants us there!

 “Consequently, YOU ARE no longer foreigners and aliens, but (YOU ARE) fellow citizens with God’s people and members of God’s household…” Ephesians 2:19. 

   In this kingdom of heaven, where we now live and reside in Christ Jesus, there is no darkness, sin, weakness, or sense of “lack” in any form!   In this current heavenly, Spiritual kingdom, we exist as Jesus is, one with Him, filled with all of His Joy, Love, power…..   

It takes microscopes, telescopes, x-ray machines, MRI’s, cat-scans… to see things that the natural eye cannot see on its own.   To see into this heavenly, Spiritual realm, we are given the Holy Spirit to make this realm come alive.  Yes, we have the Bible, but the Bible read a part from reliance on Holy Spirit will only be dry, empty knowledge.     

  “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind conceived what God has prepared for those who Love Him”—but God has revealed it to us by His Spirit.” 1 Corinthians 2:10.
I Bless you as the “eyes of your heart become opened and enlightened” to see, experience, and encounter our heavenly, Spiritual Home, Now!!!!!!!!!!!        SHALOM!!!!!

Jerry  Brown       11-7-2013

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Loving With The Actual Substance of The Father's Love!

Hello Precious One!

The origin mandate on the Ministry the Father gave to me about seven years ago, which is AgapeHeart Ministries, was to call people and churches back to His Love.  This call back to the Father’s heart of Love has not been without challenge!    The Father’s Love is the highest revelation of all, in His kingdom!  

“But eagerly desire the greater gifts.  And now I will show you the most excellent way.  (And yet I will show you a more excellent way [one that is better by far and the highest of them all—Love.  If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not Love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.   If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all the mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have faith that can move mountains, but have not Love (God’s Love), I am nothing.  If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not Love, I gain nothing.” 1 Corinthians 12:30-13:3.

Oh, we all have some ability to love even if we are not New Creations and filled with the Spirit of Christ.   But the Love in 1 Corinthians 13 is the actual “stuff” of the Father’s Love!  If don’t have His actual Love flowing through us by the power of the Holy Spirit, we are missing the mark.

“This is how God showed His Love among us: He sent His one and only Son into the world that WE MIGHT LIVE THROUGH HIM.” 1 John 4:9.   We were created and designed that the Rivers of Living Water of the Spirit which are filled completely with the Father’s Love, would be flowing into and through our heart!  This is a different scenario than trying to love the best that we can by our own abilty.   We are to be in the receiving end of the Father’s Love being poured into our heart, then, His Love can flow through us. 
 “For with you is the Fountain of Life…” Psalms 36:9.   As we open our heart to this Fountain of the Father’s Love, than we can Love with His Love.     “The only thing that matters is Faith expressing itself in Love.” Galatians 5:6.   “Faith is the SUBSTANCE of things hoped for…”   Faith is the substance of the Spirit of the Father flowing through us.  Faith is not just a decision we make to follow Jesus, NO!  It is the connection to the actual substance of the Father’s Love!!! 

  We don’t just make a decision to love, No, we open our heart to the infinite and eternal Flow of the Father’s Love into our heart, than the actual substance Love of the Father’s Love is released through us!!!   There are a lot of Christians doing Christianity in their own ability and they are not opening their heart to the inflow of the Father’s Love.  This is where I have lived for most of my life!  It wasn’t till I was baptized in the Holy Spirit and I started to soak in the Father’s Love by the Spirit that things started to change in me.

 The Love we are to release to the world is the actual substance of the Father’s Love from His heart!   The actual stuff or substance of the Father’s Love is filled with the Glory of God!   Loving in and by my own ability, apart from the Spirit flowing through me, is just my flesh trying to do the best it can!   We are not to live by the flesh but rather by the Spirit!   Our Love has to be mixed with the Faith or the substance of the Father!   So we always to stay in the receiving mode as we are constantly receiving into our heart the inflow of the Fountain of Love being poured into our heart through the Holy Spirit!

 We cannot truly Love with the Father’s Love apart from the Holy Spirit!   The Father’s Love comes to us through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit!!!!  This is how the substance of the Father’s Love gets into our heart, only through the Holy Spirit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   So if we want more of the actual substance of the Father’s Love flowing through us, we soak, drink, abide, receive… of His Love by the Spirit!   

  So enjoy the Fountain and outpouring of the Father’s perfect and infinite Love into your heart!   My personal prayer is that the Father’s Love consume and utterly possess me in a very powerful manifest way and I would take multitudes of people with me!  I pray this for you as well!

Jerry Brown     11-5-2013

Monday, November 4, 2013

Soaking, The Gateway To Manifesting The Heavenly Realm!

Hello Precious One!

Ever soaked in a bath tub or in a hot tub?  You lay down in warm or hot water and let the water relax body.   Your body is in the receiving mode, receiving the relaxation caused by the sustained influence of the warm water.  Sometimes people will put on soft music to help with the relaxation process so they can go deeper in state of relaxation.  Some people put oils in the water for fragrance and a greater ability to absorb the warm water into a deeper place in their skin.  The longer you soak, the greater is the influence the water has on you. 

  There was a movement in the Body of Christ about five to ten years back where people would soak in the presence and Love of the Father.  There would be “soaking” nights.  People would come together, turn on mostly soft instrumental music and soak.   They would not read scriptures or pray with their minds, they would simply soak in the outpouring of the Love of the Father.  “God has poured out His Love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given to us.” Romans 5:5.

  I went to a soaking class for two and half days before a Father Loves You Conference in Toronto.  They taught us to just sit or lie down and receive the Love of the Father that was always being poured into our hearts.   We were just absorbing the Father’s Love into the depths of our hearts!   We were putting ourselves under the influence of the Father’s Love to go deep within us.   We put ourselves in the receiving mode.  We would quiet our minds and entire being down, so that the noise of the world was put a bay.  “Be still and know that I am God.” Psalms 46:10.

  Some people would experience great visions and have powerful encounters with the Father through the Holy Spirit, but others of us would not experience anything.  Even though I rarely experienced anything while soaking, I knew in the depths of my heart that the Truth of the outpouring of His Love was being poured in and that the transformation was occurring by Faith.   I would not feel anything most of the time, but I would see or sense greater power, anointing and presence upon me later!  So soaking never seemed like a waste of time to me, even though I would not feel hardly anything, but I would always see greater manifestations of the Spirit upon me!!!!!!!

  It seems like the more I soak in His outpouring of His Love, the greater His presence fills me!  Now, there is like a craving inside of me to spend time soak in His Love.   Sometimes, I even wonder if I am soaking too much with the neglect of doing ministry.   Most people think soaking is a waste of time and say that you should be always doing something concrete and physical.   They are not realizing that soaking in His Loving, all-powerful Presence is doing something concrete and very practical.

  Most of us live in this state of mind that is very busy, active and many times, anxious.   Soaking is training our minds and bodies to quiet down and be still before our God and listen and receive from Him!  The Spirit is always leading us if we will quiet ourselves down to receive His guiding.   The Father is always speaking to us, Psalms 139:17-18, so we need to quiet ourselves down to hear His voice.

  If we are always talking to God, if we are always speaking, and speaking and speaking, even if it is the Word of God, we will not hear His voice as well, because we are not listening.   Ever spent time with someone who would not stop talking?   You cannot get a word into the conversation because they are so busy talking! 


Jesus only did and said what He saw and heard His Father doing and saying.   In order to see and hear the Father, Jesus had to be still, quiet himself down and look and listen to the Father.   We can do Christianity in our best ability or we can soak and marinade ourselves in The Father’s abilities and Love.   The more we soak, receive, absorb, in His outpouring of Love through the Holy Spirit, the more of HIS Life and Love we will manifest in us!!!!!!!    “Your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”   You want to manifest the heavenly realms, then we devote ourselves to soaking in this realm which is the greatest expression of the Father’s heart!!!!!!!!!


Jerry Brown   11-4-2013

Sunday, November 3, 2013

It Is A New Day For "New Wine"!!!

Hello Precious One!

“And so we know and rely on the Love God has for us.  God is Love.  Whoever abides in Love, abides in God, and God in him.  In this way, Love is made complete among us…” 1 John 4:16-17.  
   This “knowing” is a deep, intimate, highly experiential knowledge of someone.   Like the verse says, “Adam knew Eve and they had a son.”     This is not intellectualism!   The Father’s love is intended to be highly experiential and deeply intimate in the very depths of our heart, not only in information about this Love of the Father in the head. 

 In this “new day” of His “new wine” that He is pouring out onto the earth, the Father is taking people into the depths of His heart in highly experiential ways!   This outpouring of the substance of His heart is the new wine!   We will be tasting and experiencing His Love in the depths of our being that transforms us into the expression of His infinite Loving heart!

 This is different than just moving in the gifts of the Spirit, though the gifts will move in even greater power as the heart and Love of the Father is reveal to the earth!  Perfect, unconditional, all-powerful Love is greatest need of the human heart, and this is being revealed to His people now in greater measure than ever before! 
The TV show 20/20 was interviewing the president of the Navajo Nation  a few years ago and they asked him what it was going to take to transform all the poverty and problems on the Reservation.  He, in His Godly wisdom said, “ It is going to take a new heart.”   Today, this revelation is being released on the earth in unprecedented ways.

 There will always be church being done the way church has always been done with very little change, but there is a new, fresh move of the Spirit of God being released on to the earth like never before!!!   The substance of the heart of the Father, the actual “stuff”, His Love is being released!  Heaven is made from the heart of the Father and heaven is the greatest expression of the Father’s Love and heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  We have already been raised into the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus and have already been made a member of the household of heaven.  These are past tense Truths that have not seen much revelation in the Spirit.   Bill Johnson just came out with a book a couple weeks ago called the “The Ascended Life”.  In the description of the book, it talks about living life from heaven’s point of view!   This type of teaching will become more and more mainstream as the big names in Christianity get revelation of this Truth.

    This Truth has always been in the Bible, but its revelation in the Spirit has not been very popular!   But this is a new day!!!!!!   Seeing ourselves only in the Spirit, where we have been perfected, glorified, healed, where we are one with Jesus and as He is, where we are seated and living In Christ in the heavenly realms is this new wine!!!!!!!!!

  There has been soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much crying out to get God to move and send “rain” from heaven, but this is a new day!!!!!!!!   We are starting to see that we have been perfected and glorified with Jesus and that we have already been given everything that exists in the kingdom of heaven, NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

 This is the “Good News of Great Joy” the angels were speaking to the shepherds the night Jesus was born!   We have been saved from this realm of sin, darkness, lack……..  and we have brought into a new kingdom as a new creation!!!!!!!     This new kingdom is the fullness of the Father’s Love, Joy, peace, power…….    Everything always starts from the Father’s heart.   “For out of the heart, flows all the issues of life.”   So out of the Father’s heart, heaven exists, and he has already raised us into the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus!!!!! 

 So now it is very simple to always know God’s Will for our life, at all times!   Jesus taught us to pray by saying, “Your Will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.”!!!!!!!!!!!   The Father’s Will is that we experience the fullness of heaven on the earth and that His Glory would cover all of the earth!!!!!    How is this going to happen?    As we abide in His Love!!!!  “In this way Love is made complete among us.”!!!!


Jerry Brown       11-3-2013