Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Believing the Very BIG Prophetic Words Spoken Over Us!

Hello Precious One!

Are we seeing life through God-size thoughts or through mere human ability?  The Lord is speaking to me about really believing the really BIG and amazing prophesies spoken over me.   How about you?   Have you had some really big prophetic words spoken over you?   If you are like me, these words are sooo Big that there is no way I could ever accomplish these things on our own.   Will we keep believing in the words and keep them fresh in our heart?

  The enemy and negative thinking and small thinking people around us will try to knock down these words and discredit them!   But will we stand in these words anyway, even when circumstances scream at us to the contrary? 

 Many times, we get the same BIG words over and over, the Spirit confirming the Big stuff to us, but they may sooo big that we discredit them and agree with human rationale, and think, “no way, I can’t do that.”   There is a sense that this is true.  We could never accomplish these huge things the Spirit has spoken over us by our flesh, but with God, “all things are possible to him that believes.” 

 We are no longer just mere human beings, we have been filled with the fullness of Christ and “we are, as Jesus is, in this world.”   We are one with Jesus, perfected and glorified in Him, seated in the heavenly realm In Him, and a co-heir of everything in the kingdom of heaven!   In fact the Bible says in Luke 17:21, “the kingdom of God is within you.”     When are we going to believe with all of our heart that we have the same supernatural and miraculous nature of Jesus? 

 When we look in the mirror, do we see only our flesh, or are we seeing the fullness of Christ and all of His glory and perfection, Love and supernatural power within us?  Are we agreeing with Biblical Truth or are we reducing ourselves to weak thinking?  “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”       A lot of positive thinkers use this verse to motivate people to think more positively, but we are infinitely more than mere positive thinkers, we dwell on the Truth of who we are as a result of what Jesus for us on the Cross!

 Jesus bore, became and took away all of our weakness, lack, sin sickness, disease, poverty….  everything we inherited from the “fall”, then He made us new creations and filled us up with the fullness of heaven, the fullness of Himself!    So now because I am as Jesus is, I can say with confidence, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13. 

 So now, we ask ourselves, can Jesus accomplish those BIG prophetic words spoken over us?   Are they consistent with the kingdom of heaven?  Are they with the scope and size of the kingdom of heaven?   “I have come that they may have Life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10. 

 We can know God’s will for our Life, Jesus taught us this when He was asked how we should pray.  He said, “Your Will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.”     It is God’s Will for our lives to experience and manifest the fullness His glory and the kingdom of heaven on the earth, do you believe that?   Let’s keep agreeing Word of Truth and keep believing the Very BIG words spoken over us until our heart is fully established in them, even if they seem a million miles away from now.  The closer we look into the heavenly realm as our present reality, the closer these huge prophetic words will manifest!          SHALOM!!!!!

Jerry  Brown             10-9-2013

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