Thursday, August 22, 2013


Hello Precious One!
“For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and you have given fullness (made complete) in Christ, who is head over every power and authority.” Colossians 2:9-10.         We were made into new creations, filled with the fullness, completeness of Christ to the point where the Bible says we are one with Him and we are, as He is!  We were born again into state of complete fullness, wholeness and glory in Christ!
 So many times, we feel much different than this, but the Truth is that the second we receive the Life of Christ into our heart, we were brought into this kingdom of fullness!  We are to live from this state or realm of utter fullness of strength, power, victory, joy and Love!  We were brought into this realm where we are “more than conquerors through Him who Loves us.”  This is Truth of who we are in the Spirit, not I hope I can obtain some day! 
 The more drink of the Truth, and accept it deep into our hearts, the more we will manifest the Truth of who we actually are in the Spirit!  We are only to see ourselves and others in the Spirit and not by the flesh.   We are living this journey of constantly filling and renewing our minds to the Truth of who we are in the Spirit as a result of what happened to us the second Christ became our Life! 
 The Truth in the Spirit is that we are perfectly healed and filled with glory and everything in the kingdom of heaven has been given to us, including all the finances of heaven!!!!!   Every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms has been given to us.  We live in a state where we are 100% full of the Father’s Love and no sense lack or need or unrest even exists even in the smallest proportion!
  This state of Truth will become more powerful in our daily walk and lives as we set our heart on this Truth!   If this Truth does not penetrate into the deep places of our heart, the mere head knowledge of will not bring power or manifestation into our lives.   So if we are not seeing the manifestation of all this Truth in our daily lives, we just simply go deeper and deeper into these Truths with our heart and not get discouraged! 
 Circumstances, hardship, hurt, pain….. cannot change the Truth of this heavenly spiritual realm in which we live by the Spirit.   Circumstances and feelings are not indicators of Truth!   We are to keep drinking of the Truth of our fullness of the Lord’s glory forever.   The more we drink of this Truth, the more we manifest!
 We cannot compare ourselves to others, this just causes disappointment or arrogance.   We simply fix the eyes of our heart on Jesus, and “as Jesus is, so am I, in this world.”  We set our hearts and minds on the heavenly realities and not on earthly things!   The more we set our heart on the Spirit, the more we will manifest the Spirit!   We just keep on going trying not to get distracted from the Truth of heavenly Spirit realm!
 We are in the kingdom of Heaven, and the kingdom of heaven is in us!  This is the “Great News of Great Joy.”  Everything God the Father is and everything He has, He given to us!!!!!!  We just need to keep seeing life through these eyes of the Spirit!   If you are experiencing lack in any area of your life, whether it be in relationships, health, finances…. We simply flood our heart with the Truth of the heavenly spiritual realm of complete and total fullness!  We have already been healed, the Father’s Love is always being poured into our heart, every second of every day, and we have already been given everything in the kingdom!
 We see our finances through kingdom eyes where everything in the heavenly realm has already been given to us!  We see every person as they are in the spirit and we speak and release life and Love into every weak and dark and wounded place that we encounter!  We fix our heart on the Spirit and He leads us into manifesting heaven on the earth!   We simply breathe in and take hold of the fullness in which we were born-again into, which we have become ONE WITH and we let this kingdom fullness saturate our lives till we are manifesting this fountain and outpouring of Life from the Spirit!!!! “Good News of Great Joy.”!!!!!!      FULLNESS,  FULLNESS,   FULLNESS  OF CHRIST,   THIS IS WHO WE ARE!!!!!!!!!!!          SHALOM!!!!!!!

Jerry Brown    8-22-2013

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