Saturday, July 20, 2013

What I Heard From the Father This Morning, Love!

This is what I heard from the Father to me this morning.           7-20-2013
Let your heart be settled in my Peace, Love and Joy and power!  When your heart is in upheaval just let your heart get settled in Me!  I am always loving you!  I am always releasing Peace into your heart!   See Me holding and embracing you!   Feel and sense My heart of infinite, passionate and Joy-filled Love for you!!!   Continue to drink deeply of My Love for you, son!   Don’t get off track or distracted.   Keep drinking until your heart is settled and at Peace!

Please describe your for Me Jesus.

My Love is always happy, full of celebrating over you because you have given me your heart.   My Joy over you knows no end!   I play with you, as your visions have seen. I created playfulness, fun, Joy and happiness!  This is the way I am with you all of time while you are here in heaven with Me now!!!   All those visions you have had, you were just seeing into the heavenly realm of, now, not the future!  We play together all the time as if no one else even existed in heaven, yet I am that way for all people at the same time! 

  I am God, therefore I can do this!  My Love is very playful!  Why do you think playfulness on the earth is so popular?  I created it for you out of my love for you!   “In My presence is the fullness of Joy and Pleasures forevermore at My right hand.”      Your visions have seen into my playfulness with you!   You are the center of My attention in heaven!   Why do you think so many people want to be the center of attention?  I created you that way!   That is the way it is in heaven!  You are the center of my attention in heaven, always! 

  I am always with you, always loving you, always playing and having fun with you!  Always!!!!   Like the Bible says, “I will never leave you or forsake you.”!!!!  I know on the earth you feel alone and forsaken many times, but your feelings at that point, are not true!  I am always speaking to you!  Always!!!!!   Some people think that I stop talking to them when they cannot hear My Voice.  This is not true!   I am always speaking to my child!  Always!    It is very fearful to be left alone.  I never leave you alone!   Never!   I am always holding, embracing, playing, showering my Love and Joy, and Pleasures upon You!!!!   This out pouring of My Love never stops!!!!   Never!!!!!!  

  My Joy-filled, pleasure-filled, playful Love is limitless, infinite, without end!  It never gets tired and runs out!  My love doesn’t change!  I don’t give you cancer one day, to teach you a lesson, then play with you the next!   My Love is always full of My Infinite Goodness, kindness, and mercy and forgiveness!      I love you, son!   This will never change even on your darkest and worst of days!

I don’t try to scare people out of hell, though hell is a reality, I love My people from and into the depths of My heart, so they will want heaven!!!!!    “The one who fears is not made perfect in Love, but Perfect Love casts out fear”

I have empowered you son to overcome everything you face on the earth!   “As Jesus is, so are you”!!!!!   I need you to drink very deeply of this truth until you are loving like me, as Joyful as I am and as powerful as I am and as healthy and wealthy as I am!   I created you to be My face, the expression of who I am on the earth!  I want to release all of My glory through you!   

  Just keep drinking son!!!!!!    Keep drinking of the New Wine of My supernatural Love, Joy, Pleasures and power!   It is all yours!!!!!   Just drink and receive!!!!   I have given you every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms, I withhold none of My goodness from you!  Never!!!!!     So just completely abandon yourself in the depths of My Infinite and Joy-filled and playful Love!   I created for this!   Complete abandonment in My Joy and Love!!!!    Fear does not exist there!  You can approach My Throne of Grace with confidence and boldness!      SHALOM!!!!!

Jerry  Brown       7-20-2013

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