Thursday, July 18, 2013

Are You Waiting For God To Move Or Going Backwards to Fix Your Past?

Hello Precious and Dearly Child!

“They feast on the abundance of your house (the fullness of the kingdom of heaven); you give them drink from your River of Delights.” Psalms 36:8.

What is more effective when you are very thirsty, commanding or rebuking the spirit of thirst, or simply taking a big drink of something very refreshing?   What about if you are very hungry, do you want to go to a restaurant and have them rebuke the spirit of hunger, or would you rather eat a five star meal?   What about if a child is fearful, is it better to rebuke and command the spirit of fear to go away, or is it better to simply hold them tightly and give them love and comfort and reassurance?

  What is better when someone is stuck in a sin, commanding and rebuking the spirit of the sin to go away, or to release the power, the wholeness, the fullness into the sense of lack that drove them to the sin?  There is so much rebuking and commanding all over the place, but hearts are still left very, very wounded!  Why not release the healing Love of the Father into their new heart, speak life to the new heart that was given to each of us at salvation! 

 It is that root of lack, condemnation, shame, fear… where sin is rooted in.  Why not deal with the heart of the matter and speak the Truth of the new heart to people?   Is it better to go back and study and find out how and why people act in wounded ways, or is it better to reveal to them who they are in Christ, right now, as a result of Jesus did on the Cross?   Is it better to go back into the past and try to figure why all the hurt and pain is in their life, or is it better to reveal to them that they have been freed from their past and God has made them new, given them a new life and a new heart?

  Is better to go backwards and figure out and try to heal the past, or is it better to have the Holy Spirit reveal to them that they are presently glorified and perfected in Christ and are as He is?    So many people are going backwards to try and fix and heal the past, or they are waiting for God to move, as if God is the problem because He is not moving.

  Isn’t it better to just simply believe the Truth, that God has already moved completely on our behalf, and that He has already seated us in the heavenly realms right now?   Isn’t it better to simply believe that we live in an open heaven because we are actually living in heaven right now and not cry out for an open heaven?   Isn’t it better just to simply believe that God really and truly made us brand new creations, and that He has already freed us from the past and that “He remembers our sins and lawless acts no more.”? 

 A very, very, very, very, very……. popular statement running around is: “I am waiting on God’s timing” or “It’s all in God’s timing”.    I feel like saying, “Great, I will show you God’s timing.”   “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, WHO HAS BLESSED US in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.” Ephesians 1:3.      “His divine power HAS GIVEN US EVERYTHING we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him…” 2 Peter 1:3.    This knowledge of Jesus is from The Holy Spirit and to our heart, not just intellectual knowledge.     Is it better to go back to our past or simply to abide in the continual outpouring of the Father’s Love?    

 “As the heavens are high and earth is deep, so the hearts of kings are searchable.” Proverbs 25:3.    So many people are trying to backwards and heal the past or are waiting for God to move, why not just simply believe the truth of “Good News of Great Joy” that God has already moved and that He has completely healed us, seated us in heaven and made us brand new creations, just as Jesus is!!!!   This would take us to the place where we would live by faith in the Spirit of God to live like that.    Are you and I ready to live by the Spirit?   SHALOM!!!!!!!

Jerry Brown       7-18-2013

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