Tuesday, July 2, 2013

DRINK...... DON'T THINK!!!!!!!!!!

Good Morning Precious and Dearly Loved Saint and Child of Our Abba Father!

“DRINK,   DON’T  THINK”!!!!!!!!!!!   This is a popular phrase in some charismatic circles.     The implication is to Drink of the Spirit, and do not engage your mind in fleshly thinking of: worry, anxiety, stress, fear, the past, negativity…..   Our job is to Drink of the River of Delights, to Feast on the abundance of the House of the Lord! 

 There is a battle going on for our mind.   The enemy wants us to get us to fill our minds with the regrets, disappointments, failures of the past, so that we will be paralyzed in thinking about the future.   Fear, condemnation, weakness, infirmity… become the steady diet of this type of mindset.   This mindset becomes a stronghold until the point where it seems impossible to get out of present circumstances and we may feel completely impotent, powerless and hopeless.  

The answer to all of this is to Drink and feast on the eternal present reality that God the Father’s all-powerful and supernatural Love is always being poured into our hearts 24/7!   As we continually drink and feast on this supernatural and miraculous provision from heaven, this becomes our mindset and stronghold!   We just need to change what we dwell on all day, we need to Drink deeply and heavily of the River of Delights, the Fountain of Love and supernatural Life, the Rivers of Joy and Pleasures from the Father and heaven!!!

  In this River of Delights, every Blessing in the heavenly realms is being continually being poured into us by the Holy Spirit!   Our job is to become less worldly minded and more spirit focused, more of His Love filled and consumed!   Some people yell at God because they don’t believe He is doing anything on their behalf.   This is like yelling at the greatest Lover in the world, expressing deep hurt and disappointment because they feel he is not loving them.   All the time the opposite is true!   The only problem is that because there is so much hurt and wounding in their heart that they cannot receive the love given to them.    The problem is that most people are blind to their own hurts and wounds! 

 People think that because they have studied the Bible and can quote or even preach sermons about the Bible, that their heart is healed up.   Studying the Bible with the intellectual mind only doesn't impact the heart, so all of the hidden wounds of the past, are still there!  Our hearts are perfected as we abide in the Father’s Love where He has given to us His new Heart!  His perfect Love perfects our heart and casts out and removes the fear and condemnation that is hidden deep within each of our hearts!

  Some people get really offended when you talk like this and suggest that they are still wounded, and in many cases, deeply wounded!   The thing with our hearts is that every experience, every word, every emotion is recorded and store deep within our hearts sense the time we were conceived.   Our hearts, our emotional attitudes were being developed while in our mother’s wound.   The Good News of Great Joy is that God removes our old heart of stone that was deeply wounded, and replaces with a new heart, His very own heart!

  Our new hearts are filled with His Joy, Love, Peace, and Power…..  But our new heart is activated and manifested by Faith!   The new heart is in the Spirit realm.  So if a person is not living, abiding, dwelling in the Spirit, they will not manifest the new heart in the Spirit!   But as we Drink from the River of Delights, from the Fountain of Love and Life, this Love casts out and removes the fear and condemnation that has been deep within us and we start to connect and manifest our new heart!        DRINK…..DRINK…..DRINK…… of the New Wine of the Spirit, the River of His Delightful and Abounding Love!!!!!!        SHALOM!!!!!!!

Jerry Brown         7-2-2013

1 comment:

  1. hi jerry ,thanks for the words of encouragement...i'm moving to a new placewith my family..i'll get in touch once we're settled in ..then we can get together at my place..god bless brother..from iata ..


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