Thursday, June 27, 2013

The "New Wine" of His Agape, Unconditional Love, in the Spirit!!!

Good Morning Precious and Dearly Loved Saint and Child of Our Abba Father!

Is being In Christ, one with Him, as He is, glorified, perfected, and seated in Him in the heavenly realms theology, doctrine, a message…. Or are these Truths powerfully experiential in the depths of your heart?   We are all in the process of going deeper and deeper in our revelation of who Jesus is, in His glorified state, because “as He is, so are we, in this world.”    There is no power in just an intellectual grasp of these things by reading many books.  The power of the Life of Christ comes as we get revelation by the Holy Spirit in the depths of our hearts!   “I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. Ephesians 1:17.    It is through His Spirit that we come to know Him better.     

         WE don’t want the outward façade of being religious, but want to flow in the fullness of Christ, and the power of His Love from the depths of our hearts!    If we want the deep things of the Spirit, the substance of the Spirit, not just an intellectual grasp, than we will spend deep time with Holy Spirit!  We have to go deeper than our intellects, and open our hearts to flow of the Spirit!  There is an actual flow from the Throne of God!                                                  “For with You is the Fountain of Life.” Psalms 36:9.

             We need to drink directly from the source, Holy Spirit.    Would you rather go hear someone talk about what your favorite teacher is saying, or would you rather listen to him in person directly?   Would you rather hear a preacher tell you what Jesus is saying, or would you rather hear directly from the Lord Himself?   Do you want second-hand revelation, or hear directly from the Spirit of the Father and Jesus?   “My sheep hear My voice.” John 10:4.

   While it is true that we need both, we need to hear from one another, but there is a shift occurring in the Spirit that is placing more and more emphasis on a personal relationship and drinking of the Agape, unconditional Love of Christ, through the Holy Spirit, and drinking less and less from books and tapes from others!    The “new wine” is being released to the multitudes, not just to the “super apostles”.   The “super apostles” job will truly be to equip the body Love like Jesus and to do all of His works  and to walk like Him, as Him!   Jesus only did what he heard and saw His Father doing in the Spirit in His personal prayer with Him, this is the “new wine”.   The emphasis will shift from the super apostle, to the presence and Love of the Father expressing itself through the whole body!

           “But when God, who set me apart from birth and called me by His grace, was pleased to reveal His Son in me so that I might preach Him among the Gentiles, I did not consult any man, nor did I go up to Jerusalem to see those who were apostles before I was, but I went immediately into Arabia and later returned to Damascus.   Then after three years, I went up to Jerusalem to get acquainted with Peter.” Galatians 1:15-18.    Paul received revelation directly from the Spirit; he didn’t consult any man for His revelation.   This type of leading by the Spirit is almost unheard of these days in the church.

  The “new wine” of the new move of the Father, will come from the Spirit Himself, not from churchianity!  The church will start to point people to a greater dependence on hearing the voice of the Lord for themselves.   Often times, the voice and leading of the Spirit gets choked out because of all the organizational politics of trying to run a church or an organization.   But the pure simplicity of people abiding in the Father’s Agape, unconditional Love through the power of the Holy Spirit will start to emerge more and more!  The “new wine” isn’t so much about sermons, as it is empowering each other in the Infinite Love of the Father, loving our enemies!      “They will know they are my disciples by their love for one another.” John 13:35.  

   There is coming a shift with this “new wine” into really truly loving each other, even the ones who are mean to us and reject us,  with the Love of Christ that is flowing through us by His  Spirit!  This is different than just trying to love and be nice to each other by our own efforts. 

 The “new wine” will be filled with the substance of the Father and Son, heaven itself!   More and more, we will see and experience heaven on the earth and not just talk about it!  Our meetings will full of His Joy, His Love, His Delights, His Pleasures, His Power……  He, through the Spirit, will be more present than ever before!  His heart will be revealed more so than ever before!!!!   He is calling us to this place in His heart right now, where He Loves all people!!!!   Are you ready for Him, for His “new wine” pouring out on all people in powerful and experience ways?    This “new wine” is being released on the earth today, how much of it do you want?          SHALOM!!!!

Jerry Brown        6-27-2013

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