Sunday, April 14, 2013

Never Stop Drinking Long and Deep Of the Father's Love!

Good Morning Precious and Dearly Saint and Child of Our Abba Father, who has been completely healed and made completely whole as Jesus is!

We are all in the process of learning to live completely in and by the Spirit.   We have been and continue to be, bombarded with thinking and beliefs that this earthly realm is the dominant realm on the earth.   Because the Spirit realm of the Father is largely unseen, and there is an enemy continually trying to destroy everyone’s faith and trust in the goodness, Love and power of God through lies, much of society, including ourselves, has been duped by these lies! 

 The Truth is that Jesus, at the Cross took away all sin, sickness, disease, lack, weakness, everything we inherited from the “fall of man”.   The Truth is that, in the Spirit, we are as Jesus is, one with Him, glorified and perfected and have His complete power and authority over everything from the enemy!  The problem is that we have to totally believe this by faith.  We have to believe the Word of God even when all of society, even our own sometimes condemning heart, screams otherwise!  

The Bible says, “By His wounds, you have been healed.” 1 Peter 2:24.     Faith is always a decision as to whether we are going to believe what circumstances may be screaming at us, or are we going to believe that God really is Love and that His Word is true.   The Bible says that “Faith works by Love”.  Galatians 5:6.      As the Holy Spirit convinces your heart of the Father’s Love, the more you will believe His Word!  The more you trust someone that they love you, the more you will trust what they say to you! 

 The Word says that God is continually pouring His Love into our hearts through the Holy Spirit whom He has given to us.        “There is no fear in Love, but perfect Love casts out fear.” 1 John 4:18.        The perfect Love of the Father is always ministering to our hearts as we receive and believe this Truth.   We have a part to play in the manifesting of the realities of the Spirit. 

 There is a lie be circulated in the church these days that God’s grace will do everything for us.   There is a sense that God has done everything by the complete purchasing of our entire salvation, we cannot do anything to save ourselves, but our part in the activation of all the grace which the Father is continually pouring into our heart, is simply that we must believe with our heart!  God’s grace will not force me or anyone to believe. 

 Sometimes, some powerfully radical things happen to people, like Paul being knocked down and blinded on the road to Damascus, but still, Paul had to believe and accept what God was doing.   WE are saved by Grace through Faith.  Faith is our agreement with the Word and the Love of the Father.  When we doubt and go into unbelief and condemnation, the Spirit is quenched.  The Love of the Father is still being poured into our heart, but our doubt and unbelief, greatly inhibits our ability to receive the Father’s outpouring of Love!  

  So our job or responsibility is to keep our heart and minds free of doubt, fear, unbelief, discouragement, and condemnation.  We need to avoid these like the plague!  These are the enemies to our faith and greatly inhibit our ability to receive.   The best way to keep these things out of our hearts, is to continually abide in the outpouring of the Father’s Love by the Holy Spirit.   As we turn the channel of our hearts to His Love, there is no room for the doubt and unbelief.  If the attack against us is strong, then we just go deeper and deeper into this Love by the power of the Holy Spirit! 

 We don’t need to read another book on spiritual warfare; we simply just need to go deeper into the existing Love of the Father by the power of the Holy Spirit!  Saturate yourself more in His Love because “perfect Love casts out fear.”!!!!!    It is the Love of the Father that perfects our hearts and casts out the fear!   There is nothing more powerful in all of creation in the casting out of fear!  Even more powerful than the next book on spiritual warfare!!!!!!!!!!  People get all caught up in rebuking out of fear.  The reason this does not work very well is that fear many times has a grip on our heart that we cannot even see.  Our hearts are unsearchable, Proverbs says. 

   So if fear has been attacking you lately, simply take deep, long drinks of the Father’s Love through the power of the Holy Spirit!  Just accept by faith that His perfect, all powerful healing Love is continually being poured into your heart, even if you don’t feel it!  Many times our feelings do not line up with Truth!   By Faith, drink deep and long until the attack has passed and you have manifested the Truth!   Don’t stop drinking long and deep until your miracle manifests!!!!!   We were created to drink of His Love like this!!!!!

Jerry Brown          4-14-2013

1 comment:

  1. When I was a teenager, I was going through a faith trial. I was reading John 3:16. All of a sudden, the Holy Spirit brought the love of God alive with great depth in my spirit. This revelation got rid of the fear, and I was able to trust the Lord. What an awesome lesson. You are so right.


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