Saturday, April 13, 2013

Holy Spirit Will Take Us Deeper and Deeper and Deeper!

Hello and Good Morning, Fellow Saints and Dearly Loved Children of Our Abba Father! 

Power in the Spirit is released to us in the natural realm as we take hold with our hearts the Truth in the heavenly Spiritual realm!  It is in the beholding, the taking hold, possessing, owning the Truth of the Spirit as our very own!  You cannot do this on your own; we do this in relationship with Holy Spirit.  That is why people, who read books and books for their revelation, often miss the power of the Father’s Love!   This is why seminaries are often and affectionately referred to as “cemeteries”, because people are joining themselves with books almost to the exclusion of Holy Spirit!

  The Father’s Love is received and made real by fellowship with Holy Spirit, Not through fellowshipping with different authors.  An author may lead people to a greater reliance on Holy Spirit, which is what the Lord is encouraging me to do.  We need the connection with Holy Spirit to be clean for a good connection so we can receive the full power!  Just like a battery terminal, if it has corrosion on it, it inhibits the flow of electricity to the engine.  If we are relying on anything else other than Holy Spirit for our connection with God, our connection will be limited. 

 If our dependence upon man and authors is complete, we will have no lively connection to Holy Spirit.   “God has poured His Love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given to us.” Romans 5:5.   So let us embrace the reality of the Father’s Love, and all the glorious riches of the heavenly realm that are in Christ Jesus as our very own!  Allow Holy Spirit to awaken the affection in your new heart to the Father’s great and infinite Love!  You have a new heart, the heart of Jesus.  It is full of all the Fire that is in His heart!

  WE just need to be awakened to this Truth and reality!   You have the heart and Spirit of Jesus inside of you!  You have all of His Love and power inside of you!  You “ARE AS JESUS IS,” right now in the spirit realm!   We just need to be awakened to this Truth and reality!   How about you, are you ready to go deeper into the Holy Spirit than ever before?  It is in the depths of Holy Spirit that the deep Truths and realities of the kingdom of God are found!   Are you ready to search with all of your heart for all the riches of the kingdom of God that have already been placed within your Spirit?

 All of the riches of the Spiritual heavenly realm have been given to all Christians the second they receive their new birth.  But very few people go deep with all their heart to discover all the treasures that are within the Spirit that is in them!   How about you and me, are we ready go on the adventure of our lifetimes in fellowshipping with Holy Spirit to discover all that is within us?   Will you and I give our complete life in discovering the depths of the Father’s Love that is already in the depths of our hearts?

   The Father’s Love is waiting for us to delve into the depths by Holy Spirit, will you go?  Will you pursue this above all else in your life?  What is more important than this?  Is having a newer fancier car or bigger house or luxurious vacation more important than discovering the riches of the kingdom of God that is all within each and every child of God?   These riches of His Love are found with our heart by the power of Holy Spirit, will you seek this kingdom and all of His Loving resources and Love with all your heart? 

 It is the Father’s Love that is calling us deeper, NOT the law of condemnation!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Will you and I respond with all of our heart to His call to deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper into the depths of His Love?   It is all there to be discovered to those who will seek and embrace His Love with their heart!   How about you, you ready for this journey?   This is where I want to go!!!!   I want to be consumed and utterly possessed by His Love!!!  Holy Spirit will take me there, do you want to go with me??????    Certainly, I have not arrived, but I have left!        SHALOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jerry Brown             4-13-2013  

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